2020 / 08 — August Issue of American Cinematographer
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August 2020 issue of American Cinematographer magazine, which will focus on AC’s 100th Anniversary.
American Cinematographer’s 100th Anniversary
On November 1, 1920, The American Cinematographer — a four-page publication devoted to the interests of cinematographers — made its first appearance in Hollywood. In honor of the journal’s 100th anniversary, our August issue is dedicated to American Cinematographer’s first century of documenting a collaborative art form’s philosophies, tools and techniques.
This special collector’s edition will include:
Excerpts from standout AC articles and a selection of memorable covers, revisiting enduring images and insights drawn from past issues.
A look back at some of the most influential films and groundbreaking sequences in motion-imaging history, highlighting the contributions of ASC members and associates.
A showcase of future technologies that will further the art and craft of cinematography, including forecasts by ASC members about the methods and gear of tomorrow.
A photo gallery of cinematographers at work, curated in collaboration with the Society of Motion Picture Still Photographers (SMPSP).
A selection of vintage cartoons and other hand-drawn illustrations that appeared in AC in decades past.
Testimonials from ASC members and other leading filmmakers on the lasting impact of AC, and what the journal has meant to them.
A spotlight on vintage ads from companies that have been integral to the entertainment industry through the decades and motion-picture eras.
- A look at some of the other notable magazines that have lasted a century or more — like National Geographic, Vogue, Scientific American, Time, Prairie Farmer and The Atlantic — and what these longstanding journals might have in common.